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Diabetes Type 2

How it induces an individual to eat more and make one feel tired and thirsty all the time?

Excessive thirst is one of the earliest indicators of diabetes. In this condition, blood sugar levels are imbalanced.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

learn how to identify diabetes thirst and get rid of it as well.

If you are constantly hungry and extremely tired, it may be a sign that your blood glucose (sugar) is too high. Eventually, your body does not produce enough insulin due to insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. An essential function of insulin is to transport glucose, an energy-producing substance, into the cells for use. In the absence of insulin, too much glucose stays in the bloodstream.

If you are experiencing sudden thirst, fatigue, or constant hunger, you should consult your doctor immediately. These

symptoms may indicate diabetic ketoacidosis, a short-term complication of diabetes. Recognizing these symptoms can help

you get the right treatment sooner.

Why does diabetes cause constant hunger and fatigue?

Your body gets energy from glucose that is in the foods you eat. In type 2 diabetes, your body is not able to use glucose

 effectively. This causes your blood glucose levels to become too high. This can lead to constant hunger.


Weight loss can also be caused by frequent urination, which is another common symptom of type 2 diabetes. This happens in

 type 2 diabetes when extra glucose and other fluids from your organs are removed from your urine. This process can make you

dehydrated and leave you feeling extra thirsty. This causes you to drink more fluids to quench your thirst, which leads to

 even more urination.

Dehydration from excessive urination can also lead to feelings of fatigue. High blood sugar is another cause of fatigue since

your body cannot use glucose for energy. Studies have found that fatigue in people with type 2 diabetes may also be a

result of chronic inflammation caused by a weakened immune system. 







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